For Our Parents - Who Gave Us Everything

I just finished The Namesake. It’s an incredible tale spanning two generations from living in the “old country” to the land of opportunity. American kids of immigrant parents will enjoy the story of family, hope, cultural differences, importance, understanding, life, etc. It revolves around an Indian family, but you can transplant any Asian culture. Trust me, it fits and it’s all about you =PSimply, imagine man and wife emigrating from the motherland w/ a couple of bucks in their hand to America, tolerating the racial inequalities to send their children to private schools and send dollars back to their third-world relatives. The kids, on the other hand, struggle with their own identity, wavering between past generation tradition and the need to “fit in.” Sound familiar? =) Heh heh. There’s much more to it, but that’s the base that struck me most.So, all you kids, myself included, who have battled whether you are: Asian, American, Asian-American, or whatever, this is a film to watch and discuss.It even made me tear a bit =)