Lookin' back at '07 and forward to '08

It’s halfway through December, so let’s check out the highlights of the past year:Hmm, the ‘07 campaign’s been fairly uneventful. No weddings, no traveling. No concerts, nothing memorable at all. Nothing worthy noting about work either, other than joining the Intl Tiger Team and meeting cool and friendly peeps. It’s been a dud year after an incredible ‘06 of Answers, Bookmarks and del.icio.us. How frackin’ lame has it been? Very.Ohhhhh, I’m sooooo looking forward to the new year. I’ve done as much as George W. Bush as president this yearbarely anything.The ‘08 will be unlike years prior being an election year and recession rearing its ugly head ‘round the corner. I can’t control it all, but I can absolve myself to resolutions:Get a full-time gig (duh)I’m not gonna promise m’self that I will get me a gal, because it hasn’t worked. Let the chips fall as they may….Cool it a little more. I have a temper sometimes.Laugh a little less. Yes, I’ll try to be a tad more serious when the situation requires it. I make light of things waaaay too often. I know that it annoys ppl.Travel: to Chicago in the Springtime, Comic-con (San Diego) in the summer, Thailand in early winter for m’ cousin’s wedding.That’s a good list of easy and probable goals. Should be a dandy ‘08. Cheers.